"Pan Tadeusz" is an epic poem by Adam Mickiewicz, published in 1834. It tells the story of two feuding noble families in Lithuania, the Soplicas and the Horeszkos, in the years leading up to the Napoleonic Wars. The main character is Tadeusz Soplica, who returns to his family's estate in Lithuania after spending time in the city. He becomes involved in a love triangle with two women, Telimena and Zosia.
The poem is set in the year 1811, and the various characters must put aside their differences and come together to defend their homeland against the threat of Russian invasion. Mickiewicz uses the poem to celebrate the cultural heritage and traditions of Poland and to emphasize the importance of national unity and solidarity in the face of external threats.
The poem is renowned for its vivid imagery, rich language, and use of traditional Polish folk themes and motifs. It is considered a